Blog 1: Zero Hunger
The Sustainable Developmental Goal that I chose to learn more about is the Zero Hunger, which is listed as number 2 on the SDG cite. I wanted to learn more due to how world hunger is something that is continuously being fought and is one of the main causes of death in the world. Zero Hunger is an organization that aims to, “End hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round” (SDG, 2020). This interested me more to learn about ways that certain groups and organizations plan to help countries that are struggling with world hunger.
The country that I chose for this week is Ethiopia, which is based in Africa. Ethiopia is a country that uses agriculture as its main food source which has caused them to be vulnerable towards climate change. Since agriculture is widely based on water helping the crops grow and produce, then if there is a drought, it affects greatly the quality and number of crops that are produced. In order to help adapt to the climate changes and lessen the food shortage, Mercy Corp has been working with the Ethiopian government to help provide medical care and malnutrition treatment in communities with high rates of hunger and poverty. They also help by educating and diversifying their income and teach local health facilities to treat malnutrition and enlighten families about health, hygiene, breastfeeding, and balanced diets (Mercy Corps, 2020).
They have also partnered with the government in order to overcome the obstacles they may face by helping to manage their early warning systems network, which helps monitor rainfall and market information to help predict food shortages before they happen so that way they can be more prepared for what is to come in the future. The organization never states how exactly they are able to get funding for the cause, but on the website, there is a link for people who want to donate to the organization (Mercy Corps, 2020). The image that is added to the post shows a young mother holding her child during the hard times they are facing due to the food shortage. This is why ending hunger in Ethiopia is an extreme priority and they are doing everything they can in order to make it happen.
Mercy Corps. (2020, April 27). The facts: How we’re fighting hunger in Ethiopia.
United Nations | Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development. (n.d.). Goal 2 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from
Hello Kalkidan! I enjoyed reading your blog about Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger. I did not realize that in countries where the main source of food is from local agriculture the large effect that climate change can have. Mercy Corp sounds like a corporation that aims to improve the situation in Ethiopia such as through public education and direct medical care, as you mentioned. Is Mercy Corp a not-for-profit organization? I have not heard of them previously. It seems like SDG 2 also involves SDG 3, which is the one I chose to write about. SDG 3 is focused on improving access and quality healthcare and wellbeing for all, which is similar to SDG 2 because they both want to improve people's health such as malnutrition rates and education about caring for yourself properly.
ReplyDeleteI found the topic chosen here very interesting. The work that Mercy Corp is doing to assist in preventing a food shortage is so wonderful. In 2019, I read the book Unnaturally Delicious, and in it the author described how producers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) are attempting to engineer foods that grow well in certain countries to have more nutritional value, yet still grow. Reading your blog post about hunger in Ethiopia made me think of this book, and consider how countries like this one really need something like described in the book, in order to get more nutritious food available.
ReplyDeleteHello Kalkidan,
ReplyDeleteI also researched Ethiopia and I found that they have a high poverty rate. I really love that we are able to donate to this organization. I think it is amazing that they are trying to help contries and try and cover all of their needs. Food is essential for people and it really sad to see how some contries can not afford it. While reading your blog I learned about how important climate change is for Ethiopia. They need good climate to survive and be able to make their money. In the united states we are known for wasting a lot of food. Therefore it is really hard to see the reality of other contries.