
Showing posts from October, 2020

Blog 5: Hunger in Ghana

The country that I chose this week for my sustainable goal is Ghana. Ghana has a population of 28.8 million and a third of it is living on less than $1.25 a day. Ghana mainly suffers from malnutrition, hunger, and poverty and are trying their best to improve (World Food Programme, 2018). Although Ghana is rapidly improving through oil production, gold mining, and other types of industries, most of the wealth is not distributed to the population due to high corruption. Small scale farmers depend on outdated farming tools, and have small access to better fertilizers and seeds that can increase crop yields (The Hunger Project, 2020). Farmers also face challenges from climate change due to most of their food coming from agriculture growth, and when there is a drought this makes it harder for food to be produced. They are also affected by insufficient education and knowledge, unsustainable farming systems, and are vulnerable to global price spikes for foods that are being imported like rice...

Blog 4: Hunger in Kenya

The country that I chose for this week for my sustainable goal is Kenya. Kenya has a population of over 48.5 million and 35.6% of the population lives on less than $1.90 a day (World Food Programme, 2020). Kenya has been going through extremely difficult challenges over the years due to droughts, hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. 4.2% of the children are severely suffering from malnourishment and 26.2% are chronically malnourished. Between January to September 2019 it showed that climate change was a big factor in the causes of the issues that Kenya has been suffering through. Kenya has suffered through an increase of drought, food and nutrition insecurity, reduced water access, and increased child morbidity. In October extreme floods that were considered deadly affected thousands of its people, and disrupted health services, economic activities, and livelihoods. Soon after it only got worse in December when desert lotuses started to quickly spread which soon became a big threat for t...

Blog 3: Hunger in Pakistan

The country I chose this week for my sustainable goal is Pakistan. Pakistan has a population of over 207.7 million people and 36.9 percent of that population is facing food insecurity. One of the main reasons is due to the limited economic access by the poorest and most vulnerable group of the population which is the majority of women (World Food Programme, 2020). Pakistan also suffers from one of the world’s worst malnutrition rates and 45% of children under the age of five are stunted. Another reason would be climate change. In 2019 Pakistan suffered from earthquakes, heavy rainfall, and drought which has really affected their agriculture growth (Action Against Hunger, 2020).  In order to improve the malnutrition rate and allow the people of Pakistan to have better access to food, the government has partnered with an organization called the World Food Programme. Pakistan and the World Food Programme plan on accomplishing their goal and using different types of resources. Some of ...

Blog 2: Hunger in India

The country I chose for my Sustainable Development Goal is India. India is a country that has a population of over 1.3 billion people. Although there has been a major economic and industrial growth, there are over 189.2 million people in India who are undernourished. This means that the country is still unable to provide food for a large number of people in the country, specifically for women and children (India FoodBanking Network, 2020).  To reduce the number of people malnourished and provide more resources for food, an organization was created called The India FoodBanking Network. The India FoodBanking Network is an organization that has a goal of ending hunger in India by 2030. To make their plan successful, they plan on providing a minimum of one food bank in every district in India and plan to bring the government, private sectors, and NGOs to help fight hunger, malnutrition, and help provide information on how and where people can gain access to food. They also plan to part...